Monday, January 10, 2005

More support

Shaving one's head to support a friend isn't uncommon. Normally, it's in support of someone with cancer, but cancer's not the only thing that can lead to someone losing their hair. For Kyle Wyss, a brain tumor and the subsequent surgery meant that he had to shave his hair.

From West Salem Coulee News:
Several of the teachers and students have resorted to shaving their heads as a symbolic means of support for Kyle, as well as a fund-raising method for the Wyss family.

Dave Cowley, junior high literature teacher, had his head shaved after he had pledges of $100. Cory Everson, junior high math teacher, also had his head shaved after receiving pledges of $100.

Yet to have her head shaved, Kathy Young, library media aide, said she will do so after she receives pledges totaling $1,000. She's still working on gathering that amount.

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